Discovering "The Life Force 8" Principles of
Human Psychology for Small Business Success

In the world of marketing, being able to understand the fine details of human psychology is a tremendous advantage. Introducing The Life Force 8. The Life Force 8 principles came about by fusing a few psychological theories together and it gives business owners reliable guidelines for unraveling peoples behavior as they shop for and purchase products and services. When used with some careful planning, the life force 8 principles can totally transform the effectiveness of a small business’s marketing and advertising campaigns.

1. Reciprocity

Reciprocity, the idea that we should give something back when we receive something is a strong psychological trigger, and your business too can take advantage of this principle by providing things like free trials or samples of your product or at the very least by publishing valuable free content that your potential customers would greatly benefit from. This creates a feeling of obligation, and people will often return the favor by buying something or continuing to follow your brand.

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2. Commitment & Consistency

Psychology says that people tend to stay consistent with things they have done in the past and continue to hold true to beliefs they have held previously. A small business can capitalize on this fact by asking for just a small commitment in the beginning and then slowly start leaning toward larger commitments. Encourage them to follow you on social media or to subscribe to your companies newsletter first, and this will set them up for purchasing your products or services later on down the line.

3. Social Proof

The expression “social proof” refers to peoples inclination to follow the actions and beliefs of others. In the customer’s mind, the customer assumes, “If all these other people like it, they must be correct. This must be good”. This is where your reviews and testimonials can really help you stand out in your business. You as a small business should always highlight and magnify your positive customer experiences which will help you to build trust and credibility. This will greatly influence people’s decision as to whether they should buy the product or service that they are looking for from you.

4. Authority

People have generally been taught to show respect for those who are placed, or who have placed themselves in positions of authority. So, how can you build authority among potential customers in your business? You can do it by making and posting content online, by collaborating with experts in your industry or by publishing articles showcasing your knowledge and leadership in your field. When people start believing that a business knows what it’s talking about, they’re far more likely to trust the products that business is promoting.

5. Liking

You can use yourself as an example of this when I state that: People usually have relationships with and purchase from individuals and businesses that they like. What does that mean for you? Your small business can create an emotional bond with potential customers by utilizing storytelling and collaborating with influencers. Over time you will be forming a personal, human connection that promotes the kind of loyalty and trust that is vital for you to continue to be successful as a small business.

6. Scarcity

The principle of scarcity takes advantage of people’s fear of missing out. So, create a sense of urgency by highlighting items that have limited availability or promoting exclusive deals and limited-time offers. This creates a powerful motivation for customers to act quickly because of the fear that if they don’t they might miss out on a good opportunity that might not come around again.

7. Recency

The recency effect highlights the fact that recent experiences tend to be the most important in shaping the way people think about things and the decisions they end up making. Small businesses can exploit this tendency by striving to remain fresh in customer’s minds. They can do this by communicating relevant messages on a consistent basis with potential customers. This will guarantee that they remember you and your brand when the time comes that they’re ready to buy.

8. Consensus

Consensus is the agreement of opinion among a majority. So, what do the numbers say about your business. You could showcase how many satisfied customers you have or point to how popular your business has become in order to impress potential buyers. If your numbers are positive, publish your ratings and statistics. This will show how valuable and reliable your products and services are among those who have purchased and benefited them.

Leveraging the Life Force 8 for Small Business Growth

Using these principles in your product promotion, marketing and advertising campaigns will produce massive benefits for you and your small business.

Targeted Campaigns:

Being able to understand these important principles will help you to create specific messages that buyers with certain motivations and behaviors will understand and react to.

Engagement and Conversion:

You can improve customer’s consideration of your business and ultimately make more sales by knowing how to use these psychological triggers. It will definitely turn potential leads into loyal paying customers.

Brand Loyalty:

Building emotional connections, credibility and trust by using these principles will cause customers to be loyal to you and your brand for a long time to come. This is certainly what your small business is going to need if you want it to survive.

Effective Communication:

Using these principles will greatly improve the way you communicate with potential customers. You will see that your messages will be more persuasive, compelling and memorable.


Understanding human psychology can provide a great guideline for any small business who wishes to influence people. Make deeper connections with your audience by fusing these principles into your business’s marketing and advertising campaigns. They can even give you the upper hand in a competitive market. Knowing the how and whys of certain principles of human psychology can give your business the power it needs to shape meaningful experiences for your customers, create lasting relationships and sell more products and services.